Wednesday 24 July 2013




The Bajau are traditionally from the islands of the Sulu Archipelago, as well as parts of the coastal areas of Northern Mindanao and Borneo. In the last fifty years, many of the Filipino Bajau have migrated to neighboring Malaysia and the northern Philippines, due to the Continuing Conflict in theAutonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Currently for hire are the second Bavaria ethnic group in the state of Sabah, making up 13.4% [1] of the total Population. Groups of Bajau have also migrated to Sulawesi and Kalimantan in Indonesia, Although exact figures are solely for Population of are unknown. 
Bajau have sometimes been Referred to as the Sea Gypsies, Although the term has been Used to encompass a number of non-related ethnic groups with similar traditional Lifestyles, Standard and Poor as the Moken of the Burmese-Thai Mergui Archipelago and the Orang Laut of southeastern Sumatra and the Riau Islands of Indonesia. The modern outward spread of the Bajau from older inhabited areas Seems to have been Associated with the development of sea trade in sea cucumber (trepang)

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